Despre noi / About Us

Bine ati venit !!!
  Welcome !!!

Adriana si Cristian ILIE - 2009

Locuim in jud. Cluj- Romania si suntem mandrii proprietari 
a 14 Teckeli Standard cu Par Sarmos.

We live in  Cluj-ROMANIA ,and we are the proud owners of 14 Dachshunds Standard Wirehaired.

Primii mei caini au fost 2 Schnauzeri Uriasi , Morro Norma - RORI nascut in 1989 si
Kiskunlachazi Schwarzer Aliz -SENTA nascuta  in 1995,care au fost alaturi de mine pentru
 13 si 5 ani.
Ei au fost lumina adolescentei mele !

My first dogs were two Giant Schnauzers, Morro Norma aka RORI born in 1989 and Kiskunlachazi Schwarzer Aliz aka SENTA born in 1995,who lived close to me for 13 and 5 years.
                                           They were the light of my teenage years!

Rori & Senta - 1997

                       1988- Eu cu Rupel von Anger (Tatal lui Rori) si Rena von Felsental                                             1988- Me with Rupel von Anger (RORI's father) and Rena von Felsental

                               1988 -lucrand cu Schnauzerii Urias ai Canisei NORMA
                               1988 - working with Giant Schnauzers from NORMA Kennel

Rori la aniversarea a 8 ani 
Rori at his 8 years old birthday aniversary

Jewellery Chris McKay " Hakkinen", a fost primul meu Schnauzer Pitic. Nu as fi crezut ca dupa 2 Schnauzeri Uriasi,un Pitic sa se potriveasca atat de bine in viata mea! Dar a fost un urias"captiv " intr-un corp de Pitic !!
La trei ani dupa ce l-am primit pe Hakkinen cadou de ziua mea in 2000, tatal lui, CHIO CIPS REZLARK "GIZU" a devenit si el un membru al familiei mele.

Jewellery Chris McKay aka Hakkinen was my first miniature Schnauzer. I never thought that after 2 giants , a miniature will fit so well in my life! But he was a giant " trapped" in a miniature body!
       Three years after I received him as a birthday present in 2000, his father CHIO CIPS REZLARK aka GIZU  came into my home and became my new family member.

                                          Cu Hakki si Gizu in Delta Dunarii 2005                                          
                                     With Hakki & Gizu in the Danube Delta 2005

In 2007 din nefericire Hakkinen a murit.
Un an mai tarziu un alt neinfricat fiu de-a lui GIZU , MOLLIERE  "BA-BAU" s-a alaturat "haitei" noastre.
Pe langa dragostea noastra pentru Teckeli, Schnauzerii Pitici vor avea intotdeauna un loc in casa noastra!

In 2007 unfortunatelly Hakkinen died.
One year after that ,another fearless son of GIZU , MOLLIERE aka BA-BAU ,joined our pack.
Besides our love for Dachshunds,Miniature Schnauzers will allways have a place in our home!

                                              Sotul meu, Ba-Bau si eu - 2008                         
                                              My husband, Ba-bau and me -2008

Cand l-am cunoscut pe sotul meu, avea 2 Teckeli standard sarmosi pe Titus Hubertus "TOTO"
 ( nascut in 2005) si pe Manfred Stress "JEDI"( nascut in 2006),  luati de la canisa EISENDACHS . 
La scurt timp si-a achizitionat prima femela , pe Abigail Amber Flowers "LOLA", fiica lui Ohio del Lago Prile .

When I met my husband he had two Dachshund Standard Wire-haired,Titus Hubertus aka TOTO
 ( born in 2005) and Manfred Stress aka JEDI ( born in 2006), from EISENDACHS Kennel
Soon after that, he bought his first female, Abigail Amber Flowers aka LOLA ,Ohio del Lago Prile's daughter .

                                                                Jedi & Toto

                                          Toto,Lola (cand era puiut) si Jedi - 2008                        
                                          Toto, Lola ( as a puppy) and Jedi - 2008

JEDI cu sotul meu, in Delta Dunarii
JEDI with my husband in Danube Delta

                                                                            TOTO - " Teckelul "         
                                                     TOTO - "The dachshund"

Acesta a fost inceputul !  Pana in 2019 inca 13 Teckeli Standard cu Par Sarmos au crescut numarul membrilor familiei noastre. Pentru ca un singur Teckel nu e niciodata de ajuns!

So, this was the beginning!! Until 2019 ,13 more Dachshund Standard Wirehaired increased the number of our familly members. Becaus one Dachshund is never enough !

                                         Inka,Vera, Xani,Jedi, Kappa,Rada & Toto

                                                                    Lola, Inka, Toto, Jedi ,Kappa

                                                          Gizu,Toto,Nuc,Kappa, Jedi

Din 03.01.2012, haita noatra s-a marit cu inca o figura de catel, un Pinscher Pitic din canisa Transylvanian Legend din Cluj Napoca, Angelic Face -"JERRY", care rapid a devenit mascota noastra!

From 03.01.2012 our pack got bigger with "one piece of a dog", a Miniature Pinscher from Transylvanian Legend kennel from Cluj Napoca, Angelic Face of Transylvanian Legend aka JERRY who quickly became our mascot!
                                                   Angelic Face of Transylvanian Legend " JERRY"

                                                                                 Jerry - 01.06.2013

 Cel mai important lucru pe care l-am invatat de la Nicola Rares - proprietarul canisei EISENDACHS , esta ca sanatatea, caracterul , utilitatea, proportiile, parul sarmos, si Standardul FCI German , sunt cele mai importante lucruri de urmat in cresterea acestei rase.

The most important thing that we've learned from Nicola Rares, the owner of EISENDACHS Kennel ,is that health, caracter, utility, proportions, wire hair and the FCI German Standard are the most important things to be followed in breeding!

                                                      La nunta noastra cu Gizu, Ba-bau, Jedi si Toto
                                          At our wedding with Gizu, Ba-bau, Jedi & Toto

cu Gizu & Ba-bau la nunta mea
with Gizu & Ba-bau at my wedding 

                                       EISENDACHS Kappa, Xani ,X-Croaca, Vera

Toti cainii nostri ocupa un loc foarte important in vietile noastre, si ei fac parte din familia noastra, deci, in paginile urmatoare avem placerea sa ii prezentam in poze , filmulete si scurte povesti.

All our dogs have a very important place in our lives ,and they are part of our family, so on the folowing pages we have the pleasure to present them to you, in pictures , videos and short stories .

Nimic din toate acestea nu ar fi fost posibile fara ajutorul lui Rares Nicola, si  fara ajutorul familiilor noastre,care au facut un lucru extraordinar, incurajandu-ne si sustinandu-ne de cand eram copii!

None of this would have been posible without the help of Rares Nicola , and without the help of our families, who did a great job, by supporting us and encouraging us since we were kids!

                                 Eu in 1975 la expozitia canina anuala din orasul nostru                                        
                                  That's me in 1975 at the annual dog show in our town
                                                           Expo Canis Napocensis

Adriana & Cristian ILIE
                                                                                 Nuc & Kappa 2012


  1. Super! O poveste frumoasa care continua. Felicitari !

  2. Adriana, esti un super om. Cat de mult iubesti cateii! Si ce frumos vorbesti despre ei. Cel mai frumos este faptul ca ai gasit un barbat la fel ca tine. Teckelii tai sarmosi sunt extraordinari.Felicitari!


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