Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Pui de 19 zile / 19 days old puppies

Puii de Teckel Standard Sarmos au acum 19 zile.
Din acest cuib mai avem disponibil un mascul.
Mai multe poze cu ei puteti vedea pe pagina PUI /PUPPIES.

The Dachshund Standard Wirehaired puppies are now 19 days.
From this litter we have available one male.
More pictures with them you can see on 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Avem puiuti !!!! We have puppies !

In 31 Ianuarie 2017 scumpa noastra EISENDACHS XANI aka TOSCA a fatat cuibul cu litera "J" al canisei noastre!!!!
 5 masculi  si 3 femele

Pentru moment toti puiutii sunt prenotati.
Orice modificari in legatura cu prenotarile vor fi anuntate aici .

Mai multe poze cu puiutii puteti vedea pe 
pagina PUI / PUPPIES

In 31 January 2017 our sweet EISENDACHS XANI aka TOSCA give birth to our "J" litter !!!!
5 males and 3 females

For the moment all puppies are reserved.
Any change about the reservations will be announced here.

More pictures with the puppies you can see on

Puiutii nou nascuti
New born puppies

Friday, January 13, 2017

Examen de lucru pentru Teckeli / Working exam for Dachshunds Targu Mures 02.10.2016

In 02.10 2016 am participat cu EISENDACHS RADA si EISENDACHS XANI la examenul de lucru pentru Terrieri si Teckeli organizat la Targu Mures .
In 02.10.2016 we attended with EISENDACHS RADA  and EISENDACHS XANI to the working exam for Terriers and Dachshunds in Targu Mures.

Rezultate / Results:

 Urma artificiala de sange / Artificial blood traking -Schwhk - CACT- 100 points

Urma artificiala de sange / Artificial blood traking -Schwhk - Excelent - 92 points
Proba de aport din apa / Wassertest- WA-T -24 points

Mai jos puteti vedea cateva poze
Below you can see some pictures

 EISENDACHS XANI cu mine si cu Magda Popa- antrenorul nostru
EISENDACHS XANI with me and Magda Popa - our trainer

EISENDACHS RADA with me (left) & EISENDACHS XANI with Magda ( right )